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21+ Benefits of Meditation

Law of Attraction Success Story – Manifested 8 desires in just 25 days
June 27, 2020
Law of Attraction Success Story – Manifested 9 Desires in Just 14 Days
July 1, 2020

21+ Benefits of Meditation


Meditation is one of those Practices which I believe everyone should do as it has so many benefits in every area of our Life. I have been doing Research & Practicing Meditation for the last 10 Years and my way of living life has completely changed. There are Physiological Benefits, Physiological & Spiritual Benefits.

Here are 21+ Benefits of Meditation which you will start Experience once you start making Meditation a part of your Daily Routine -

Physiological Benefits:-

1 - Leads to a deeper level of physical relaxation.

2 - Helps in Healing chronic diseases like allergies, arthritis etc.

3 - Reduces Pres-menstrual Syndrome symptoms.

4 - Enhances the immune system.

5 - Reduces activity of viruses and emotional distress.

6 - Drop in cholesterol levels, lowers risk of cardiovascular disease.

7 - Cure headaches & migraines.

8 - Help in increasing your 6th Sense.

Psychological Benefits:-

9 - Increases your self-confidence.

10 - Helps with focus & concentration.

11 - Increased emotional stability.

12 - Helps in quitting smoking, alcohol addiction.

13 - Need less sleep to recover from sleep deprivation.

14 - Reduces Anger & Rage.

15 - Helps make more accurate judgments.

16 - Develops emotional maturity.

Spiritual Benefits:-

17 - Helps you discover your purpose.

18 - Provides peace of mind, happiness.

19 - Deeper understanding of yourself and others.

20 - Creates a deeper relationship with your God.

21 - Attain Enlightenment.



Mohit Tahiliani

Law of Attraction Coach

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