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Never give up…

May 25, 2016
The Missing part of “The Secret”
May 12, 2016
Common mistakes made by Law of Attraction followers
June 17, 2016

Never give up…


I was playing with my Niece, her name is Aisha, she is 15 months young & very cute. She has recently learned walking but she falls more often. Everyone know if you try to learn and do something new you will fall and you will make mistakes. No one in this world has ever learned walking without falling. The best past was, when she falls she looks around & I start clapping and smiling. I did this every time she falls. She looks at me and starts smiling and gets up in a style and starts to jump like she has achieved something wonderful in life. Yes, she has.. It’s called confidence of getting up after falling and she has removed the fear of falling, she know she is strong enough to get up as many times as she falls with a smile on her face and this is what most of adults have forgotten.

There is unwanted fear in peoples mind these days. Few of them are brave to take a step and try to do something new of their own, try to learn something new or follow their passion. Lot of them fail and make mistakes, it’s common.. No one can succeed without making mistakes. We are not born with knowledge about everything, so when we are learning something new, mistakes will happen and it’s good. I motivate people to make as many mistakes as possible in initial stages because there is very less to loose, the stakes are low. Learn from your mistakes and grow everyday. Life is a learning graph.

I get so many e-mails everyday from people saying, I have failed in my business, I am not able to get a job, I am failing in all my relationships of life, I have given CA exams 4 times but not able to clear it. I want to give up.. I have decided to give up.. I am not going to do this any more. People, you need to go back in past and remember how you learned walking. Did you gave up walking because you fall down and hurt yourself everyday for so long..? NO.. right.. Then why are you giving up now.. ? Be like Aisha, when you make mistakes or when you fall, when you are going through rough patch of life, smile and believe that you can get up again as many times as you want. Life is meant to be awesome in all areas of life. You deserve abundance in every area and you can get it. Be so strong and confident that fear will leave you because you know that no matter how many times I fall in life, I can stand up and then celebrate every getting up phase of life.

I have also seen most of the people demotivating each other rather then motivating each other, specially families and friends. If any of your friend or family member fail, you should motivate them to standup again and work on what they want rather then telling them – “you can’t do it or you don’t have it in you or you find new goals in life.” Be a motivator, inspire people around you to make mistakes, to fall and get up, tell them it’s fine, we all are human beings, we all make mistakes. Every mistakes is an opportunity to learn something new.

– Imagine a world where every person motivates each other.

– Imagine a world where you make mistakes and everyone around you smiles as you and tells you that you have got an opportunity to learn something new today.

– Imagine a world where people around you will motivate to do something new, make mistakes and fail again and again till you Succeed.

– Imagine a world where everyone will be waiting for you to stand up and celebrate your success.


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Mohit Tahiliani

Law of Attraction Coach

Founder of “Mind, Body & Soul”

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  1. VS says:

    Very helpful and specially at the right time… Thanks Mohit sir.

  2. Raaj Gandhi says:

    Superb… Thanks for that kind of example

  3. vaihav shrivastava says:

    really inspirational thoughts
    hope this would me my first day of wake up..
    but from today i will folow al yours story od success.,
    and show my gratitude to the nature for what all thingh they provide us in our present life…

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